MINUTES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING DESPLAINES VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT MAY 16, 2024 The public hearing on the proposed 2024-25 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance was called to order by Ms. Henry at 8:05am. No members of the public were present with regard to the public hearing, and a motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Ms. Henry, and carried by all present to close the public hearing. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Ms. Henry at 8:06am in the board room at 8130 Ogden Avenue, Lyons, IL. Trustees Present: Reatha S. Henry - President Mark S. Azzi - Secretary, Treasurer Absent: Guest: Tito Rodriguez, 3911 Shakespeare, Lyons, IL 60534 A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Ms. Henry, and carried by all present to accept the minutes of the last regular meeting held on March 21, 2024 as typed. The financial report was reviewed by the trustees. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Ms. Henry, and carried by all present to accept the report as follows: Financial Report Income for Current Fiscal Year Replacement of Corporate Personal Prop. Taxes $ 32,377.38 Back Taxes Received 0.00 Interest Received 4,776.76 Miscellaneous Income 20,000.00 Total 2023 Taxes Received after 5/1/24 0.00 Deferred Income (Early Taxes 2024) 0.00 Bills - Monthly Totals March $ 54,659.23 April 565,099.70 May (Thru 5/16) 15,435.63 PAYROLL March $ 54,328.66 April 54,917.46 May (Thru 5/16) 20,641.22 Page 2 Mr. Rodriguez was formally introduced to the board as a new trustee who is being appointed by the county board later today for the term of 5/17/24 - 5/17/28. Discussion was held with regard to the slate of trustee officers. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Ms. Henry, and carried by all present to adopt the following slate of officers effective 5/17/24: Reatha S. Henry - President Mark S. Azzi - Vice President/Treasurer Tito Rodriguez - Secretary The manager reviewed various bills introduced during the current legislative session. Of the four bills with potential impact to the District discussed during the last meeting, only two remain active. In particular, SB2938 and SB3342 have passed the Senate, and are in the process of passing the House. The manager reviewed the details of each piece of legislation and utilization of The Roosevelt Group in addressing them in Springfield. The manager reviewed changes incorporated into the proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance as discussed during the March meeting. The Ordinance has been reviewed by our attorney, with opinion letter submitted. The resulting tax levy will reflect a reduction. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Ms. Henry, and carried by all present to adopt the 2024-25 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance with attached Certificate of Estimated Revenue as follows: AN ORDINANCE of the Board of Trustees of the Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District, appropriating monies for its general corporate purposes and special funds to be extended during the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2025. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE DESPLAINES VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT OF THE COUNTY OF COOK AND STATE OF ILLINOIS: SECTION 1 - The following sums, or so much thereof as hereby may be authorized by law, and as may be needed, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes of the Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2025. SECTION 2 - The following budget containing an estimate of revenues and expenditures is hereby adopted for the following funds: 1. General Corporate Fund 4. Annual Audit Fund 2. Illinois Municipal Retire. Fund 5. Capital Improvement, Repair or 3. Social Security Fund Replacement Fund 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE May 1, 2024 $ 1,581,317.53 Transfer to Cap Improv, Repair or Replacement Fund 400,000.00 TRANSFER TOTAL: 400,000.00 NET BEGINNING BALANCE May 1, 2024 $ 1,181,317.53 Page 3 ESTIMATED REVENUES Property Tax $1,423,996.00 Replacement Tax-Corp. Pers. Prop. 33,054.00 Interest Income 10,000.00 Miscellaneous Income 3,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: $ 1,470,050.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 2,651,367.53 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Personal Services $ 1,082,362.00 Contractual Services 342,655.00 Commodities 1,123,500.00 Contingencies 122,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: $ 2,670,517.00 ENDING BALANCE APRIL 30, 2025 $ - 19,149.47 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Personal Services Staff Salaries $ 643,191.00 Field Wages 302,000.00 Health Insurance 86,621.00 Workers Comp. Insurance 36,000.00 Unemployment Insurance 14,550.00 $ 1,082,362.00 Contractual Services Building Maintenance $ 65,000.00 Vehicle Maintenance 24,000.00 Spray Equip. Maintenance 6,000.00 Ditching Equip. Maintenance 500.00 Communications Equip. Maint. 1,500.00 Office Equip. Maintenance 2,400.00 Shop Equipment Maintenance 2,400.00 Field Tools Maintenance 480.00 Lab Equipment Maintenance 6,000.00 Computer Equip. Maintenance 1,200.00 Underground Storage Tank Maint. 5,000.00 Grounds Maintenance 7,200.00 Vehicle Insurance 85,000.00 Operational Liability Insurance 60,000.00 Building/Property Insurance 10,000.00 Equipment Floater Insurance 5,000.00 Telephone 3,600.00 Water 1,200.00 Electricity 6,600.00 Heat - Gas Service 6,500.00 Alarm Monitoring Service 1,200.00 Refuse Service 5,550.00 Banking Charges/Service Fees 530.00 Meetings and Conferences 7,200.00 Postage and Box Rental 1,420.00 Legal Expense of Attorney 2,400.00 Publication of Legal Notices 300.00 Uniforms - Laundry Service 3,000.00 Page 4 Vehicle License & Insp. Fees 520.00 Spray License/Permit Fees 1,200.00 Association Membership Dues 565.00 Technical Subscriptions 240.00 Software License Renewals 7,500.00 Government Relations Service 10,000.00 Gravid/Light Trap Operation 850.00 Waste Tire Disposal Fees 600.00 $ 342,655.00 Commodities Public Relations Material $ 1,500.00 Lab Supplies 48,000.00 Office Supplies 2,400.00 Gasoline 50,000.00 Insecticides 996,000.00 Lubricants 4,000.00 Janitorial Supplies 1,200.00 Hardware Supplies 2,400.00 Expendable Supplies 18,000.00 $ 1,123,500.00 Other Expenditures Contingencies $ 96,000.00 Insurance Deductibles 26,000.00 $ 122,000.00 TOTAL OF GENERAL CORPORATE FUND APPROPRIATION: $ 2,670,517.00 2. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND (IMRF) BEGINNING BALANCE May 1, 2024 $ 88,103.88 ESTIMATED REVENUES Property Tax $ 0.00 ReplacementTax-Corp Pers.Prop. 325.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: $ 325.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE: $ 88,428.88 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES I.M.R.F. - District Share $ 8,122.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: $ 8,122.00 ENDING BALANCE April 30, 2025 $ 80,306.88 Page 5 3. SOCIAL SECURITY FUND BEGINNING BALANCE May 1, 2024 $ 78,742.82 ESTIMATED REVENUES Property Tax $ 66,890.00 Replacement Pers. Prop Tax 1,621.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: $ 68,511.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE: $ 147,253.82 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Social Sec.- District Share $ 56,616.00 Medicare - District Share 13,239.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS $ 69,855.00 ENDING BALANCE April 30, 2025 $ 77,398.82 4. ANNUAL AUDIT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE May 1, 2024 $ 858.13 ESTIMATED REVENUES Property Tax $ 7,700.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: $ 7,700.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE: $ 8,558.13 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Annual Audit $ 7,900.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: $ 7,900.00 ENDING BALANCE April 30, 2025 $ 658.13 5. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT BEGINNING BALANCE May 1, 2024 $ 0.00 Transfer from General Fund 400,000.00 NET BEGINNING BALANCE May 1, 2024 $ 400,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: $ 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE: $ 400,000.00 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Page 6 Office Equipment $ 7,500.00 Lab Equipment 10,000.00 Communication Equipment 5,000.00 Field Equipment 25,000.00 Shop Equipment 15,000.00 Building 7,500.00 Computer System Equipment 9,500.00 Vehicles 250,000.00 UST Mandatory Tank Update 70,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: $ 400,000.00 ENDING BALANCE April 30, 2025 $ 0.00 SECTION 3: That the amount appropriated for District purposes for fiscal year beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2025 by fund shall be as follows: 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND $ 2,670,517.00 2. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIRE.FUND 8,122.00 3. SOCIAL SECURITY FUND 69,855.00 4. ANNUAL AUDIT FUND 7,900.00 5. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT FUND 400,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS: $ 3,156,394.00 SECTION 4 - Each appropriated fund total shall be divided among the several objects and purposes specified, and in the particular amounts stated for each fund respectively in Section 2, constituting the total appropriations in the amount of Three Million One Hundred Fifty Six Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Four Dollars and No Cents ($3,156,394.00) for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2025. SECTION 5 - Section 3 shall be and is a summary of the annual Appropriation Ordinance of this District, passed by the Board of Trustees as required by law and shall be in full force and effect as hereinafter provided. SECTION 6 - All sums of money not needed for immediate purposes may be invested in interest bearing obligations, including Certificates of Deposit, of any federally insured State or National Bank or Savings and Loan Association, as provided in the Illinois Public Funds Investment Act. SECTION 7 - Any sum of money heretofore appropriated and not expended now in the Treasury of the Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District, or that hereafter may come into the Treasury of the District, is hereby re-appropriated for this Ordinance. SECTION 8 - All unexpended balances of any item or items of general appropriation for corporate purposes or special funds made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiency in any other item in the same general appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 9 - If any section, subdivision or sentence of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance. Page 7 SECTION 10 - A certified copy of the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance shall be filed with the County Clerk of Cook County within 30 days after adoption. SECTION 11 -This Appropriation Ordinance is adopted pursuant to procedures set forth pursuant to the Illinois Revised Statutes. SECTION 12 - That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption, approval, and publication as provided by law. SECTION 13 - Attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and made a part hereof is an estimate of revenues by source anticipated to be received by the District for the fiscal year May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of the Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District this 16th day of May , 2024, A.D. pursuant to roll call vote as follows: Ayes: 2 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 APPROVED this 16th day of May , 2024, A.D. PUBLISHED THIS 16th day of May , 2024, A.D. IN PAMPHLET FORM. Reatha S. Henry President, Board of Trustees ATTEST: Mark S. Azzi Secretary/Treasurer Board of Trustees Page 8 EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF ESTIMATED REVENUE DESPLAINES VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS I, Mark S. Azzi, do certify as follows: 1. I am the Secretary/Treasurer of the Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District, County of Cook, State of Illinois, and further that I am a trustee of the District thereof. 2. I estimate the revenue, by source, of the Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2025, to be as follows: SOURCE AMOUNT 2023 Property Tax Levy Income per TAX LEVY ORDINANCE NO. 2023-12-1 Total Levy = $ 1,498,586.00; theoretical balance to be received in fiscal year before application of Tax Cap Criteria $ 702,738.85 Replacement Corporate Personal Property Tax 35,000.00 Miscellaneous Income 3,000.00 Interest Income from Savings Accounts, Certificates of Deposit 10,000.00 In Witness Whereof, I have signed my name in my official capacity as Secretary/Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District, at Lyons, Illinois, this 16th day of May, 2024. Mark S. Azzi Secretary/Treasurer Desplaines Valley Mosquito Abatement District The manager reviewed seasonal employee recruitment. The increased wage scale combined with wage bonus has been successful for the third year in obtaining qualified candidates for positions. The District had a large number of returning seasonal employees this year. Page 9 The manager reviewed operations to date. The relatively dry winter/early spring turned into an extremely wet spring in early May. We are fortunate to have all returning seasonal employees in the General Larval Division, with no new employee training necessary to slow down operations. The mild winter experienced allowed a larger number of vector mosquitoes to survive, and creates the potential for early and increased West Nile Virus activity. The District will be trying two new products this season for potential incorporation into operations. The first product is Sumilarv larvicide which will be utilized initially in catch basin operations in the northwest quadrant of our District. This product will address increasing resistance to Altosid (methoprene) products currently used in catch basin treatment. The second product is ReMoa-Tri adulticide. This product is effective against gravid Culex species of mosquito, and will be utilized when adult control operations are necessary in selected areas of the District to determine effectiveness. The District will be increasing its work in tick surveillance this year. The Village of Oak Park Health Department has received a tick surveillance grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the District will be working with the Health Department to monitor tick populations within the Village. The manager indicted a desire to address pending underground storage tank requirements effective October 13, 2028. In particular, our double wall storage tanks with interstitial monitoring will meet the future requirements. Current fiberglass piping under our system will also be acceptable. However, all dispensers (pumps) will require the installation of sumps to monitor potential leak detection. The manager will research retrofit options for the District and advise with discussion at a future meeting date. It is desired to address the mandatory updates at present to avoid the last minute rush of establishments trying to attain compliance, and hopefully experience lower costs. Funds have been budgeted for the update. Mr. Rodriguez invited the District to participate in the upcoming Lyons Fourth of July parade by entering 1-2 vehicles. General consensus was favorable, with motion made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Ms. Henry, and carried by all present to enter a catch basin jeep and larval division truck into the parade. The manager was instructed to discuss the matter with our insurance broker to verify our coverage for this activity. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Ms. Henry, and carried by all present to adjourn the meeting at 8:55am. Approved this day of , 2024. Reatha S. Henry, President Mark S. Azzi, Secretary/Treasurer