MINUTES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING DESPLAINES VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT JULY 18, 2024 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Ms. Henry at 8:00am in the board room at 8130 Ogden Avenue, Lyons, IL. Trustees Present: Reatha S. Henry - President Mark S. Azzi - Vice President, Treasurer Trustee Elect: Tito Rodriguez - Secretary Absent: Guests: Judge Nick Kantas Mayor Christopher Getty, Village of Lyons Administrator Ryan Grace, Village of Willow Springs Mayor Terry Carr, Village of McCook Steve Metsch, Desplaines Valley News Public Members for Oath of Office Ceremony Judge Kantas administered to oath of office to Mr. Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez was welcomed to the District by a round of applause from fellow trustees and attending public. His term of office continues through May 17, 2028. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Mr. Rodriguez, and carried by all present to accept the minutes of the last regular meeting held on May 16, 2024 as typed. The financial report was reviewed by the trustees. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Mr. Rodriguez, and carried by all present to accept the report as follows: Financial Report Income for Current Fiscal Year Replacement of Corporate Personal Prop. Taxes $ 61,347.38 Back Taxes Received 12,610.28 Interest Received 29,628.76 Miscellaneous Income 21,342.25 Total 2023 Taxes Received after 5/1/24 0.00 Deferred Income (Early Taxes 2024) 0.00 Bills - Monthly Totals May $ 136,179.66 June 67,131.34 July (Thru 7/18) 42,375.82 PAYROLL May $ 82,598.11 June 88,989.31 July (Thru 7/18) 60,760.40 Ms. Henry indicated that the county has reached out to her for various documents with regard to her reappointment tentatively scheduled for July 25, 2024. Discussion was held on additional candidates to address remaining vacancies. The manager summarized the history of the District’s underground fuel/larval oil tank system and the pending upgrades required by October 13, 2028. In particular, our fuel storage tank with associated dispensers will need an upgrade to comply with pending standards. Specifications were prepared by the District and submitted to seven state licensed underground storage tank contractors in northeast Illinois for proposals on the required upgrade. Proposals received are summarized as follows: Anderson Pump Service, Inc., Mokena, IL ........................ $ 66,993.01 B&K Equipment, Lansing, IL ..................................... 74,958.00 Crowne Industries, Streamwood, IL .............................. No Proposal Metro Tank & Pump Company, Wheeling, IL ........................ No Proposal Oil Equipment Company, Cherry Valley, IL ....................... 65,525.00 Petroleum Technologies, Lyons, IL .............................. 124,750.00 Stenstrom Petroleum Services, Lombard, IL ...................... 60,963.00 Discussion was held on purchasing two new fuel dispensers in conjunction with the above upgrade project. Our current layout has three fuel dispensers, with the upgrade project reducing the number down to two. Original intent was to reuse two existing fuel dispensers (Wayne Model G6201P), however all have issues indicating a limited remaining service life. Our fuel dispensing system utilizes a suction style of piping with only a couple of dispenser manufacturers (Wayne & Gasboy) offering equipment for this configuration. In lieu of replacing the existing fuel dispensers with the same Wayne model, recommendation is to consider the alternate Gasboy Model 9153G fuel dispenser. Contractors submitting the three lowest proposal totals were requested to submit an additional proposal for two Gasboy Model 9153G fuel dispensers with requirements/options per District specifications with summary as follows: Anderson Pump Service, Inc. ..... $ 18,958.00 (+$66,993.01 above = $85,951.01) Oil Equipment Company ........... 17,970.00 (+$65,515.00 above = $83,495.00) Stenstrom Petroleum Services .... 19,375.00 (+$60,693.00 above = $80,068.00) General consensus was to purchase the new fuel dispensers in addition to the primary upgrade project. A motion was made by Mr. Rodriguez, seconded by Mr. Azzi, and carried by all present to accept the proposals submitted by Stenstrom Petroleum Services for $60,963.00 in the primary upgrade project, and $19,375.00 for the new fuel dispenser purchase for a grand total of $80,068.00 Review of quotations for the purchase of (1) 2025 Chevrolet/GMC pickup were tabled at present due to a lack of pricing from the manufacturer. With the pending purchase of the above vehicle, authorization is requested to sell the following vehicle at the end of the current mosquito season: Veh #11 - 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Pickup Truck Due to the past success of selling vehicles through ebay, this venue will be used for the sale of this vehicle with a minimum bid of $15,000. A motion was made by Mr. Rodriguez, seconded by Mr. Azzi, and carried by all present to proceed with the sale of this vehicle through ebay auction with designated minimum bid. The manager was given authorization to adjust the minimum bid during the auction to facilitate bidding if necessary. Discussion was held on the 2024 tax levy. During the March meeting, preliminary budget figures showed a proposed $50,000.00 decrease in the 2024 tax levy from the previous year’s levy. The manager indicated that operational levels will allow this proposed decrease. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Mr. Rodriguez, and carried by all present to reduce the 2024 tax levy to be adopted during the December meeting by $50,000.00 to a final figure of $1,448,586.00. The manager indicated that both SB2938 expanding annexation capabilities of a mosquito abatement district and SB3342 requiring notification of pending mosquito control operations have passed both houses, and have been sent to the Governor for his approval. The manager reviewed operations to date. Regular rainfall intervals have resulted in the consistent production of floodwater nuisance mosquitoes. While rainfall was consistent, it was not excessive to the point where operations were unable to keep up with mosquito development. Operations have been successful in treating sources prior to adult mosquito emergence. The warmer temperatures have escalated West Nile Virus(WNV) levels among the Culex species capable of transmitting this virus. Catch basin treatment operations combined with general larval operations are ongoing to address Culex mosquito production. WNV “hotspots” are developing in various areas of the District, with contingency adult mosquito control measures likely in the near future. The manager indicated that the construction of a Buddy Bear Car Wash adjacent our property has begun. The owner, Phil DeGeratto, approached the District on the possibility of obtaining temporary electric power from the District during the construction process with subsequent reimbursement. While clearing that property of trees, the District approached the tree contractor for a quote to remove a large tree on our property which was overhanging a storage garage. Mr. DeGeratto learned of our request, and instructed the contractor to remove the tree at his expense. General consensus was in light of Mr. DeGeratto’s goodwill gesture, to allow him to use electricity from the District during the construction phase without reimbursement to the District. Discussion was held on purchasing a conference table and chairs for the District’s meeting room. The current table is a 3'x6' wooden library table with matching chairs originally donated to the District shortly after its formation. The table is designed to seat four persons, and has always been difficult to accommodate a full slate of five trustees and manager during board meetings. The manager was given authorization to research and purchase a new conference table with chairs with seating capacity of 8-10 persons. A motion was made by Mr. Azzi, seconded by Mr. Rodriguez, and carried by all present to adjourn the meeting at 8:50am. Approved this day of , 2024. Reatha S. Henry, President Tito Rodriguez, Secretary